How Acton Academy Students Excel in Standardized Tests—Even Though We Don’t Teach to Them


At Blackstone School, a private school in Ann Arbor following the Acton Academy model, we prioritize learner-driven education and deep mastery of subjects over teaching to the test. Ironically, this approach results in remarkable standardized test success, proving that academic excellence can flourish without “teaching to the test.” Our students consistently perform well on exams not because of drill or test prep, but because they truly understand and retain what they learn. Below, we explore how mastery-based, self-paced learning builds a strong foundation that naturally leads to outstanding test results.

Mastery Learning Ensures Deep Understanding

Acton Academy’s philosophy centers on mastery-based learning – students progress only after fully understanding a concept. This focus on mastery leads to higher long-term retention and deeper comprehension of material. Research supports this: emphasizing depth over breadth means students thoroughly grasp fundamentals before moving on, resulting in better long-term memory and understanding of subjects​ (THECORECOLLABORATIVE.COM). Instead of rushing through units for an exam date, learners at Acton take the time they need to truly master fractions, writing skills, or any topic. This method combats the common cycle of cramming and forgetting. By revisiting and practicing skills until they stick, students build knowledge that endures. When test time comes, they excel because they genuinely understand the content, not because they’ve memorized facts temporarily. Our classrooms also replace grades and one-shot exams with continuous feedback and revision. Learners are encouraged to try, make mistakes, get feedback, and improve – the essence of mastery. This process not only improves retention but also boosts confidence. Students know they can conquer challenging material with effort and time, fostering a growth mindset towards learning. Over time, they become comfortable tackling hard problems independently, a skill that standard tests indirectly reward through higher performance.

Self-Paced Tools Build Strong Foundations

A key element of Acton’s learner-driven approach is the use of self-paced, adaptive learning tools. Each child works through personalized software in math, reading, and other core skills, moving ahead only when ready. These adaptive programs ensure foundational concepts are solid: a student must demonstrate mastery of one level before advancing. If more practice is needed on a concept (say, fractions or grammar), the software provides it, and if the student is excelling, it offers more challenge. This individualized pacing means no learner is left with gaps in understanding or bored by material they’ve already mastered​ (ACTONACADEMYCOLUMBUS.COM). Such tools (for example, Khan Academy exercises or other adaptive programs) have proven effective in driving strong academic outcomes. Studies on personalized mastery-based software show they can significantly boost learning gains beyond typical expectations (BLOG.KHANACADEMY.ORG). In our experience, a child who struggles with a math concept can take the necessary time and practice to really get it, rather than being pushed ahead by the calendar. Conversely, a child who finds a subject intuitive isn’t held back – they can leap ahead to more advanced topics, keeping their love of learning alive. Over months and years, this tailored approach yields a robust academic foundation. When students eventually encounter standardized tests, they often find they can solve problems easily because they’ve truly built up each skill step by step.

Another benefit of self-paced learning is that it cultivates independent learners. Acton students set goals for their progress and learn to manage their time to meet them, using the software and resources as needed. Guides (our word for teachers) monitor progress through real-time dashboards and step in with encouragement or one-on-one coaching if a student is stuck. But generally, each learner is in the driver’s seat. This independence means by the time they sit for a standardized exam, Acton students are self-reliant problem-solvers – they’re used to thinking through challenges on their own without someone feeding them answers. That poise under pressure is invaluable during tests.

Results: High Scores Without Teaching to the Test

Despite never teaching to the test in daily learning, Acton Academies still administer standardized tests annually to benchmark progress – and the outcomes speak volumes. It’s not uncommon for Acton students to perform one or more grade levels above their age group on these exams​ (ACTONACADEMYNWAUSTIN.ORG). In fact, Acton learners often progress 2-3 grade levels ahead of their peers in traditional schools, purely as a byproduct of mastery learning and hard work​ (ACTONACADEMYNWAUSTIN.ORG). They achieve this without any test prep courses, scripted test-taking strategies, or narrowing of the curriculum to what’s tested.

For example, one Acton Academy reported that in a single school year, its elementary studio students advanced 2.5 grade levels on average in reading, writing, and math, while its middle schoolers jumped 3.5 grade levels​ (ACTONACADEMYPARENTS.COM). This happened through their regular projects and self-paced work – no teaching to the test at all. The founder of Acton Academy, Laura Sandefer, noted that while standardized scores are “the least interesting measurement” of learning, they do confirm that a mastery approach yields strong basic skills​ (ACTONACADEMYPARENTS.COM). In other words, when children learn how to learn, the test results take care of themselves.

It’s also worth noting that our students approach tests with a healthy mindset. Because we de-emphasize the importance of test scores in the classroom, learners don’t experience the same anxiety or burnout from over-testing that is common elsewhere. They see a standardized test as just another challenge to tackle, not the be-all-end-all of their education. This often translates into more calm and focus during the exam itself, allowing them to do their best.


Blackstone School’s experience shows that academic excellence and impressive test outcomes can be achieved through a learner-driven education that values understanding over rote memorization. When students are given the tools to master their subjects at their own pace and are motivated by curiosity rather than test pressure, they naturally excel. Our approach as a private school in Ann Arbor proves that you don’t have to “teach to the test” to see standardized test success – you have to teach to the student. By fostering independent, masterful learners, we prepare children not just to score well on exams, but to thrive in the greater tests of life.


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